Be-leaf in Nature


This poster was created during my 2020 fall semester at Northern Illinois University. The prompt was to take a walk outside (which was wonderful, as this was in the middle of the Covid crisis), take several pieces of nature and create the text “Be-leaf in nature” with whatever you found. With a handful of leaves, sticks, and seedpods, I went to work creating this phrase.

I was lucky to find a wide variety of leaves that could easily create interesting shapes. Using these leaves, I was able to create this poster. Legibility is extremely important to me in design so making sure it was easy on the eyes was a top priority. This poster is a wonderful example of my enjoyment of using photographs and mixed materials.

Plastic in our Oceans


Similar to the Be-leaf in Nature project, this was created in my 2020 fall semester at Northern Illinois University. This project was to ask us to create a poster to bring awareness to a need in the world or a problem that we are facing. I decided to focus on plastics that plague our oceans.

To go about this, I took a plastic bag from fast food and shaped them into fish. I edited these plastic pieces in Photoshop before placing them into an oceanic scene. The plastic fish swim amongst the real fish, to show how their lives are impacted by the tons of waste we leave in the oceans.

Playing with your Food


Playing with your Food was a book that teaches young people from the ages 5 - 13 how to create sculptures out of fruits and vegetables. These posters were created to advertise this book. The ideal placement for these would be in a bookstore’s window or above the author while they speak about it.

The book itself includes both photography and illustration, so I wanted to include every aspect. I made three for this project but they all follow the same template, so it would be easy to recreate more posters for different sculptures in the book.


Logo Work


The Skies